


Development of the Play Therapy Competence Scale




張高賓(Kao-Pin Chang)


能力 ; 量表發展 ; 諮商員教育 ; 遊戲治療 ; competence ; counselor education ; play therapy ; scale development




41卷2期(2009 / 12 / 01)


385 - 403






The purpose of this study was to explore the result of the survey by developeing the ”Play Therapy Competence Scale” to assess domestic play therapy competence content, in order to provide counseling and guidance training institutions with practical applications. The samples consists of 405 students and counselors recruited by using purposive sampling. There were 405 ordinary students and counselors. The final version of the Play Therapy Competence Scale consists of 109 items which are divided into seven subscales: knowledge, technique, attitude, ethic, coping, ecology, assessment, and evaluation. The scale provided good validity and reliability. Based on these findings, the scale can be used in future play therapy related researches and training.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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