The purpose of this research was to explore the emotional expression of 5th and 6th graders and the intervention strategies of teachers. Participants were 74 5th and 6th grade teachers. Data were collected through focus group interviews and were analyzed using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) procedure. First of all, results indicated that happiness and excitement were generally the positive emotional feelings for students. In contrast, anger, indignation, depression, and enviousness were the most common negative feelings of children's emotion in elementary school. When dealing with students' feelings, teachers are more concerned about students' negative emotional feelings than positive ones. Secondly, when facing emotional issues, most students displayed catharsis, aggression, attack, resistance, and repression, etc. When confronting with students' strong or intense emotional behavior that might cause immediate harm, teachers tended to intervene instantly. Yet, when facing students' emotional behavior with no sign of immediate harm, teachers usually chose to delay interventions or ignored treatments purposely. Thirdly, teachers often adopted the intervention strategies of ”listening and empathy” as well as ”intermediation and conciliation” when dealing with students' emotional issues. Finally, based on the results, this research also provides suggestions for treatments of students' emotional issues and future relevant research issues are discussed.
The first ten years 1994-2004
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