


Sociometric and Perceived Popularity in Adolescence: Links to Relational Aggression and Loneliness




程景琳(Ching-Ling Cheng)


同儕知覺受歡迎度 ; 社交計量受歡迎度 ; 青少年 ; 孤寂感 ; 關係攻擊 ; adolescents ; loneliness ; perceived popularity ; relational aggression ; sociometric popularity




42卷1期(2010 / 09 / 01)


143 - 162






The purpose of this study was to explore the extent to which the two types of popularity (i.e. sociometric and peer-perceived) respectively predict psychosocial adjustment outcomes (i.e. relational aggression and loneliness) of Taiwanese adolescents. Participants were 864 eighth-graders (50% boys and 50% girls; the mean age is 14.01) from 28 classes of two public schools. The study used peer nomination questionnaire to measure ”sociometric popularity”, ”peer-perceived popularity”, and ”relational aggression”, and a self-report scale to measure ”loneliness”. The results show that sociometric and peer-perceived popularity are two distinct constructs. Both popularity types negatively correlate with loneliness. Sociometric popularity negatively correlates with relational aggression, while peer-perceived popularity positively correlates with relational aggression. Lower level of sociometric popularity predicts stronger relational aggression for girls than for boys. Interactions between sociometric and peer-perceived popularity were found to be predictive of both relational aggression and loneliness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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