


Testing Models of Life Adjustment of Adolescents from New Immigrant Families in Taiwan




陳毓文(Yu-Wen Chen)


心理適應 ; 行為適應 ; 同儕關係 ; 新住民家庭青少年 ; 學業表現 ; adolescents from new immigrant families ; behavioral adjustment ; educational performance ; peer relationship ; psychological adjustment




42卷1期(2010 / 09 / 01)


29 - 52






This study attempted to compare life adjustment of adolescents from mix-heritage (one parent from Southeast Asian countries) and single-heritage families. It also investigated factors associated with problems in adjustment of adolescents from new immigrant families in their academic and social lives, including educational performance, peer relationship, psychological and behavioral problemsfrom the theoretical perspectives of identity formation and symbolic interaction, factors associated with the of adolescents from new immigrant families. Using the multi-stage cluster sampling method, 884 adolescents aged 12 to 16 participated in this study. Three hundred and ninety-one were biracial (44.2%) and 493 were monoracial (55.8%). No difference was found between groups in all measures of life adjustment. Path analyses indicated that relationships between the proposed explanatory variables and life adjustment were not quite the same for the two groups of adolescents. However, minority racial identity and perceived racial discrimination predicted the life adjustment of adolescents from new immigrant families. Minority racial identity had both direct and indirect effects on psychological and behavioral adjustment, but had indirect effects on educational performance and peer relationship. Perceived racial discrimination only had indirect effects on life adjustment via self-esteem.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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