


An Exploration on the Causal Model between Parent's Self-Differentiation and Adolescent's General Health




歐陽儀(Yi Oyang);吳麗娟(Li-Chuan Wu)


代間傳遞 ; 自我分化 ; 身心健康 ; 親子三角關係 ; family triangulaiton ; general health family ; intergenerational transmission ; self-differentiation




43卷3期(2012 / 03 / 01)


567 - 589






This study investigated two causal models between Parent's Self-Differentiation and Adolescent's General Health. Then: were nearly 1010 father-mother-child teams investigated. The each participants (father. mother and student) were evaluated by using The Differentiation of Self Inventory. The Family Triangulation Inventory and The General Health Questionnaire. In the causal model, the influence of each parent's self-differentiation on adolescent's general health was observed by using the adolescent's self-differentiation as a mediator. Result indicated that, each parent's self-differentiation positively affect the adolescent's self-differentiation which may also affect the adolescent general health. The effect of father's and mother's self-differentiation on adolescent general health was observed to be similar. Our result also confirmed Bowen's theory about the intergenerational transmission of self-differentiation, and each parent's self-differentiation positively affect the adolescent general health. In the causal model, the influence of each parent's self-differentiation on adolescent's general health was observed by using the family triangulation as a moderator and the adolescent's self-differentiation as a mediator. Result indicated that, in high score ream the adolescent involved in the family triangulation affect in same way as the low score team by which each parent's self-differentiation influences adolescent self-differentiation. Thus the moderator effect o f the family triangulation was not supported.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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