The study aimed to explore ethical judgments, degree of confidence in judgments, and ethical behaviors of counseling psychologists. The survey was conducted by way of purposeful sampling and 103 counseling psychologists were invited to compete the self-designed ”Ethical Judgment and Behavior Questionnaire for Certified Counseling Psychologists”. The findings of the survey are as follows: (1) Among those different aspects covered, there are six items conceived by the psychologists as generally ethical, while items conceived as unethical appertain to ”non-sexual dual relationship”, ”sexual dual relationship”, ”informed consent”, ”professionalism and ethical responsibility of the counseling psychologist”. Items with high confidence in ethical judgments include ”sexual dual relationship”, ”confidentiality and confidentiality limits”, ”informed consent”, ”non-sexual dual relationship”, and so on. The above-mentioned issues were where the counseling psychologists gained the most consensus and familiarity; (2) Items with discrepancies in the opinions of ethical judgments and low confidence in judgments mainly fell on the ”charging issue”, which may be a limitation of professional ethical education and research of Taiwan; (3) In terms of ethical behaviors, 30 items appeared least in counseling psychologist, suggesting their prudence in ethical related behavior. The most frequent behaviors appeared among the counseling psychologists include ”confidentiality and confidentiality limits” , ”non-sexual dual relationship”, ”technique appropriateness”, and so on, with notable relevant issues; and (4) Most ethical judgments and behaviors met with each other, while eight discrepancies emerged to be worth further discussion in the area of ethical education and research.
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