


The Effects of Emotional Learning on Kindergartners' Emotional Understanding and Emotion Regulation: The Effects of Children's Picture Books




翟敏如(Min-Ju Tsai)


情緒教育 ; 情緒認知 ; 情緒調節 ; 繪本 ; children's picture books ; emotional learning ; emotion regulation ; emotional understanding




44卷1期(2012 / 09 / 01)


27 - 47




本研究目的旨在探討繪本融入情緒教育活動對五至六歲幼兒情緒認知與情緒調節能力的影響力。 本研究以「準實驗」之實驗設計,來分析實驗效果是否因為不同之實驗處理(教學內容)而有所差異。 本研究實驗對象為高雄市某國小附設幼稚園中三個大班幼兒。本實驗隨機將三班幼兒分為:實驗組一:進行情緒繪本和與情緒無關的英文字母活動;實驗組二:進行情緒繪本和測量工具包括情緒認知問卷知與情緒調節量表。研究結果發現,於不同組別的教學活動前後,施測者運用情緒認知問卷測驗幼兒的情緒認知,各組間前後測的改變量具有顯著差異,其中實驗組二前後測的改變最顯著高於控制組,教師使用情緒調節量表評量幼兒的情緒調節能力上,各組間前後測的改變量也均發現具有顯著差異,實驗組一和二前後測改變量均顯著高於控制組。文末則針對繪本融入幼兒情緒教育活動研究做討論,並提出相關建議。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of emotional learning, which applied children's picture books to the emotional understanding and emotion regulation of 5-and 6-year-old students. A quasi-experimental design was employed to examine the effectiveness of different treatments on children's emotional understanding and emotion regulation between treatment groups. The treatment groups were consisted of three kindergarten classrooms in the kindergarten of Siaogang elementary school, which is suited in Kaohsiung city. Three treatments conditions were randomly assigned to each treatment group: Experimental Group One was given children's picture books related to emotions and extra activities related to the English alphabet; Experimental Group Two was given children's picture books and extra activities related to emotions; and the control group was given children's picture books related to animals and extra activities related to the English alphabet Instruct ion assessments used in this study included the Emotion Recognition Questionnaire (ERQ), which measures children's emotional understanding and the Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC), which assesses children' s emotion regulation. The results of the ERQ showed that there are differences between treatment groups. The mean difference (posttest minus pretest) for Experimental Group Two was significantly higher than that for the control group. The results of ERC showed that a statistically significant difference arose among the three treatment groups. The mean difference (posttest minus pretest) for Experimental Groups One and Two was significantly higher than that for the control group. Discussions and suggestions related to findings were offered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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