


The Survey Study of Early Childhood Educators' Attitudes toward Information Technology Acceptance




陳儒晰(Ru-Si Chen)


幼教人員 ; 接受態度 ; 資訊科技 ; acceptance attitudes ; early childhood educators ; information technology




44卷3期(2013 / 03 / 01)


669 - 689






The purpose of this study is to explore the early childhood educators' cognitive attitudes towards information technology acceptance in HsinChu City, HsinChu County, and MiaoLi County through a questionnaire survey. For this survey, the researcher developed a questionnaire that consisted of five factors, including ease of use, usefulness, attitudes toward usage, usage behaviors, and professional collaboration. The survey data were analyzed through structural equation modeling. The results conformed that this measurement model expresses reasonable quality by confirmatory factory analysis. The structural model analysis was used to investigate the study hypotheses in latent constructs. The results indicated that early childhood educators' perception of the ease and usefulness of information technology being integrated into instructions and managements positively influenced their usage attitudes and behaviors. Their attitude toward information technology was positively associated with developing educational professional collaboration using information technology with colleagues. Finally, implications of the findings are also discussed in the study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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