


How creative you will be depends on who you are: The relationship between personality traits, cognitive styles and different types of creativity




劉珈妤(Chia-Yu Liu);林緯倫(Wei-Lun Lin);蔡秉勳(Ping-Hsun Tsai)


人格特質 ; 創造力 ; 認知風格 ; 雙系統理論 ; personality trait ; creativity ; cognitive style ; dual process theory




48卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


211 - 228




過去在創造力的個別差異研究裡,少有實徵研究同時探究人格特質和認知風格對創造力的影響;此外,過去相關研究也常將不同類型的創造力作業混為一談。根據創造力的雙系統論(Lin & Lien,2013a)和雙重認知風格理論(Sadler-Smith, 2009),經驗式的認知風格與開放式的創造力有關;封閉式的創造力則涉及理性、經驗兼併的通用型認知風格。據此,本研究即區分兩類創造力(開放式/封閉式),並同時探討創造性人格特質和認知風格在兩類創造力中扮演的角色。結果發現,創造性人格特質與兩類創造力表現皆有正相關,但不同的認知風格對兩類創造力表現的關係不同。進一步分析發現,人格特質對兩類創造力作業表現的正向效果,會受到不同認知風格的影響,人格特質透過通用認知風格的中介影響封閉式創造力的表現;而開放式創造力則較受經驗認知風格影響,其中在流暢力指標裡,經驗認知風格更扮演了中介的角色。本研究結果有助於釐清人格特質、認知風格與創造力的關係,對於創意應用或教學亦具實質的意義與幫助。


Past studies on individual differences in creativity rarely explored empirically the joint effect of personality traits and cognitive styles on creativity. Moreover, past studies often mixed different types of creative performance. According to the dual process account of creativity theory (Lin & Lien, 2013) and the duplex model of cognitive style theory (Sadler-Smith, 2009), experiential cognitive style may be associated with open-ended creativity; whereas closed-ended creativity may involve versatile cognitive style that combines experiential and rational cognitive styles. This study aimed to separate two types of creativity (open-ended and closed-ended) and investigate the role of personality traits and cognitive styles on the two types of creativity. The results showed that creative personality traits were positively correlated with both types of creativity, but different cognitive styles had different relationships with different types of creativity. Further analyses revealed that versatile cognitive style played a mediating role only on the relationship between personality traits and closed-ended creativity, but not on the relationship between personality traits and open-ended creativity. Open-ended creativity was instead more associated with experiential cognitive style. In particular, experiential cognitive style mediated the relationship between personality traits and fluency. These results clarify the relationships between personality traits, cognitive styles, and creativity, and have implication on teaching and creativity applications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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