
影響數位閱讀表現的學生與環境因素:PIRLS 2016資料探討


Personal And Environmental Factors Affecting Students' Digital Reading Performance: Exploring Data from the PIRLS 2016




張郁雯(Yuwen, Chang);柯華葳(Hwawei, Ko)


紙本閱讀 ; 家庭學習資源 ; 數位使用 ; 數位閱讀 ; 閱讀自信 ; Digital reading ; Digital use ; Home resources for learning ; Print reading ; Reading confidence




51卷1期(2019 / 09 / 01)


161 - 181




本研究的目的為探討學生個別因素(紙本閱讀能力、性別、閱讀自信、電腦使用自我效能)以及環境因素(家庭學習資源、家中數位設備與數位使用經驗)對國小學童數位閱讀表現之影響。資料來源為13個國家共69507位國小四年級學童在PIRLS 2016紙本以及數位閱讀表現與相關問卷資料。運用IDB Analyzer第四版進行相關與迴歸分析。結果發現紙本閱讀能力、閱讀自信、電腦使用自我效能、電腦使用經驗、家庭學習資源以及家中數位設備能共同解釋數位閱讀表現49%-73%的變異。其中,紙本閱讀表現大約可以解釋六成數位閱讀表現的變異,顯示兩者涉及共同的歷程,但數位閱讀也需要異於紙本閱讀的技能。雖然大多數國家紙本與數位閱讀表現是女生表現優於男生,當控制了紙本閱讀成績,僅剩四個國家數位閱讀表現的性別差異達顯著水準,顯示多數國家兩性的閱讀落差不因閱讀形式而有所不同。家庭學習資源可以分別解釋數位閱讀表現與紙本閱讀表現變異的14%和16%,家庭學習資源透過對紙本閱讀之影響間接影響數位閱讀表現,但仍有0.6%-2.3%的變異是家庭學習資源直接影響數位閱讀表現。閱讀自信每增加1分,數位閱讀表現平均可以增加16分;而電腦使用自我效能每增1分,數位閱讀表現平均增加4分。閱讀自信的重要性高於電腦使用自我效能。電腦使用經驗與數位閱讀表現的關係,因國家不同而不同。使用電腦和數位閱讀能力的關係也因所從事的活動性質不同而不同,意味著學童如何使用數位工具比數位近用對數位閱讀能力更為重要。


The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of personal factors (print reading performance, gender, and reading confidence, and self-efficacy for computer use) and environmental factors (home resources for learning, digital devices in the home, and digital use) on digital reading performance in primary students. The data of 69507 fourth graders from 13 countries participating in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2016 were examined. Correlation and multiple regression analyses were conducted by the IEA IDB Analyzer software version 4. The results showed that print reading performance, reading confidence, self-efficacy for computer use, home resources for learning, digital devices in the home, and digital use as predictors, the regression line can explain 49%-73% the variation of digital reading performance. Print reading ability can explain 60% variance in digital reading performance, which suggested that processes readers use to comprehend digital text are similar to what is required to comprehend print text. It also suggested that digital reading requires a different set of skills from those required to read the print text. Most countries in the study, girls have outperformed boys in print reading and digital reading. When holding print reading performance constant across genders, gender gaps are no longer statistically significant. This means that digitalization does not exacerbate gender inequality. Home resources for learning can explain 14% and 16% variation respectively in digital and print reading performance. The indirect association (through the effect of home resources for learning on print reading skills) accounts for most of the variation, the direct association accounts for 0.6-2.3% of the variation. Increasing in reading confidence of 1 point could increase in the digital reading of 16 points while increasing in self-efficacy for computer use of 1 point, the increase in digital reading is only 4 points. This suggests the importance to boost students' reading confidence. The relationship between digital use and digital reading skills varies across countries and the activities for which student use computers. What students do with ICT are more important than digital access to them.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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