


Why do students cheat? The conditional indirect effect of perceived classroom goal structures, personal achievement goals, and boredom on cheating




彭淑玲(Shu-Ling Peng);程炳林(Biing-Lin Cherng)


作弊 ; 個人成就目標 ; 條件間接化效果 ; 無聊 ; 課室目標結構 ; Boredom ; Cheating ; Classroom goal structures ; Conditional indirect effect ; Personal achievement goals




51卷3期(2020 / 03 / 01)


387 - 413




本研究統整成就目標理論與學業情緒理論,並兼顧成就目標理論之個人與情境層面,解釋課室目標結構(classroom goal structure, CGS)、個人成就目標、無聊如何共同預測作弊。據此,本研究目的為:(1)考驗個人成就目標是否透過無聊對作弊產生中介效果,即無聊是否為個人成就目標與作弊之中介變項。(2)考驗學生知覺的兩種CGS(精熟、表現目標結構)是否調節上述中介效果。本研究以626位七至九年級學生為對象,特定數學領域,並以結構方程模式(structural equational modeling, SEM)進行條件化間接效果分析。結果顯示:(1)精熟與表現目標均會透過無聊對作弊產生負向效果,其中以「精熟目標→無聊→作弊」的負向間接效果較強。(2)學生知覺的CGS會調節「個人成就目標→無聊→作弊」之間接效果。首先,當個人與情境目標一致時,個人成就目標透過無聊對作弊的抑制效果會隨著CGS分數提升而變強(即隨著精熟目標結構分數提升,精熟目標透過無聊而抑制作弊的效果逐漸增強;隨表現目標結構分數提升,表現目標透過無聊降低作弊的效果逐漸增強)。其次,當個人與情境目標不一致時,會隨不同CGS類型與得分程度對中介模式產生不同調節效果。當學生知覺高精熟目標結構時,隨著精熟目標結構分數的增加,會強化表現目標透過無聊而誘發作弊的效果;當學生知覺低表現目標結構時,個人精熟目標透過無聊對作弊的抑制效果才可能存在。本研究依據研究結果提出建議,以作為國中教學輔導與未來研究之參考。


Based on an integration of achievement goal theory and academic emotions theory, the present study explored personal and contextual aspects of the achievement goal theory for disclosing how the perceived classroom goal structures (CGS), personal achievement goals, and boredom jointly have an impact on cheating. Accordingly, the aims of this study were twofold: first, to test whether personal achievement goals have a mediating effect on cheating through boredom (i.e., to validate the mediation role of boredom between personal achievement goals and cheating); second, to test whether the above mediation relationship can be moderated by the two types of perceived classroom goal structures (i.e., mastery and performance goal structures). Methodologically, one large-scale survey in the subject of mathematics was administered to a sample of 626 7th~9th grade Taiwanese students, and the collected data were analyzed using the technique of structural equational modeling (SEM) for validating the conditional indirect effect. The results showed that both the mastery and performance goals have a negative effect on cheating through boredom, but the negative indirect effect of "mastery goals → boredom → cheating" is relatively strong. Also, it was revealed that the perceived classroom goal structures well moderate the indirect effect of "personal achievement goals → boredom → cheating." When the adopted personal goals are consistent with the perceived contextual goals, the negative inhibition effect of the personal achievement goals on cheating through boredom will become stronger as the perceived CGS score increases. That is, as the score of mastery goal structures increases, the effect of the mastery goals on cheating through boredom is gradually enhanced; as the score of performance goal structures increases, the effect of the performance goals on cheating through boredom is gradually enhanced. However, when the adopted personal goals are inconsistent with the perceived contextual goals, different moderating effects will occur as a result of diverse CGS types and the level of CGS scores. That is, when students perceive a high level of mastery goal structure, as the score of mastery goal structure increases, the effect of performance goal on cheating through boredom will be produced. When students perceive a low level of performance goal structure, as the score of mastery goal structures increases, the effect of mastery goal on cheating through boredom is likely to occur. Based on the reported results, several suggestions were proposed to not only inform the instruction and counseling practice of junior high school education, but also shed valuable light for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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