


Making Employees and Customers Happy: Situational Antecedents and Performance Evaluations of Service Employees' Emotions in the Recreation Industry




蕭柏勳(Po-Hsun Hsiao);趙琪(Chyi Jaw)


服務接觸 ; 同儕衝突 ; 實體環境 ; 角色內績效 ; 顧客導向之角色外績效 ; Service encounter ; Peer conflict ; Physical surroundings ; In-role performance (IRP) ; Customer-directed extra-role performance (CDERP)




29卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


27 - 56






In the recreation industry, service encounter is an important influence on service quality and customer satisfaction. While managers may attempt to standardize the service process and the emotional labor of employees, it is not possible to control employee emotions occurring in work situations. This study proposes that employee emotions are affected by service situations, and also impact on organizational performance. The empirical results in recreation industry reveal that peer conflict and physical surroundings have significant influences on employee emotions, but the negative effect of peer conflict on employee emotions is weaker when teamwork is necessary to complete the work. Our results also show that employee emotions have significant positive effects on job satisfaction, in-role performance (IRP), and customer-directed extrarole performance (CDERP). Employee emotions have a more pronounced effect on CDERP than on IRP. Furthermore, the results of a mediating relationship test show that employee emotions and job satisfaction have mediating effects between service situations and organizational performance, and both mediators also have greater effects on CDERP than on IRP. This study concludes with a discussion of theoretical and managerial implications.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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