


The Application of Quality Talks on the ePUB3 eBook-Based Flipped Design and Teaching of "Reading Comprehension" Courses




蔡娉婷(Tina Pingting Tsai);許慶昇(Chingsheng Hsu);林至中(Jyhjong Lin)


深度討論 ; 教學實務 ; 課程設計 ; 閱讀理解 ; 翻轉式學習 ; ePUB3電子書 ; Quality talk ; Teaching practice ; Course design ; Reading comprehension ; Flipped learning ; ePUB3 eBook




56卷3期(2019 / 11 / 01)


343 - 372






In recent years, "reading comprehension" has become one of the core general education courses in colleges. Meanwhile, flipped learning is a common way used in domestic education sectors for the teaching of these "reading comprehension" courses. This paper explores how to employ quality talks in the ePUB3 eBook-based flipped learning and hence proposes a quality talk-centric ePUB3 eBook-based flipped learning "reading comprehension" course design for increasing the learning effects of students' "reading comprehension". Then, it applies this design to the "prose reading" unit of a "reading teaching" course in a local university to design its ePUB3 eBook contents and quality talk mechanisms. For assessment, a quasi-experimental study on the control analysis and its accompanied questionnaires are conduced to verify students' learning effectiveness and satisfaction of applying quality talks to the ePUB3 eBook-based flipped learning in "reading comprehension" courses. The research results show that the proposed course design, through the quality talk-centric ePUB3 eBook-based flipped learning, can produce the better learning effects of students' "reading comprehension" than that through the general talk-centric one. Further, students also satisfy using this approach in their learning.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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