


The Meaning and Hermeneutical Validity of the Doctrine of "Guisheng" in Lüshi Chunqiu: with Discussions on the "Welding" Structure of "Twelve Chronicles"




李貴生(Lee, Kwai-Sang)


呂氏春秋 ; 貴生 ; 焊接 ; 結構 ; 詮釋效度 ; Lüshi chunqiu ; guisheng ; welding ; structure ; hermeneutical validity




71期(2020 / 12 / 01)


1 - 51






The central idea of Lüshi chunqiu is an important issue that has been debated for centuries. The main reason for such divergent views is that this book is so rich in material, allowing researchers to find supporting evidence for almost any claims, which are not necessarily in full accord with the whole book. As a result, there remains much room for scholars to propose different amendments or even provide entirely new thoughts. To overcome the dilemma, researchers must become more conscious of the scope of materials to be used, so that they can objectively compare the validity of each relevant concept in the interpretation of texts and subsequently identify the dominant idea. It is along these lines that this article aims at reviewing the doctrine of "Guisheng" advocated by Hu Shi, clarifying its connotations and expressions, and hence providing a viable way out of the present state of disagreement. The article first reviews the previous discussion about the Miscellaneous School and the problem of central idea. Through Hu Shi and D. C. Lau's different exposition of the idea of "Guisheng," we demonstrate the relationship between the scope of citation and the validity of interpretation, and illustrate the hierarchy structure of the materials we use. Based on the original text of the Chapter of 'Guisheng,' we subsequently proceed to elucidate the meaning of "six desires," their regulating method, as well as the scope of application. By delineating the different understandings of "life" and "desire," we resolve several difficult points of interpretation over the years. During the discussion, the article also reveals the functions of similar contents and key words, with which the idea of "Guisheng" penetrates into the Chapters of 'Twelve Chronicles,' thus correcting the inappropriate understanding of the textual organization and narrative logic of Lüshi chunqiu suggested by a few scholars. The intertextual structure shows that the thoughts found in Lüshi chunqiu are neither physical "aggregation" nor chemical "synthesis," but are close to "welding" in engineering. Only when we perceive the so-called central idea from a pluralistic perspective can the characteristics and value of this book be fully recognized.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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