


An Analysis of "Qiefa Ji Changfa" of Kunshan Accent Constructed by Shen Chongsui




李惠綿(Li, Huei-Mian)


《絃索辨訛》 ; 《度曲須知》 ; 沈寵綏 ; 反切 ; 三字切法 ; Xian suo bian e ; Duqü xu zhi ; Shen Chongsui ; fanqie ; sanzi qiefa




74期(2021 / 09 / 01)


49 - 97






Shen Chongsui wrote Duqü xu zhi (1639) as Kunshan accent was particularly popular in drama world after the Wanli period of the Ming dynasty. "Kunshan shuimo accent" features the roundedness when opening the mouth and the slenderness when ending sounds. Taking the sounds from the central plains as the "body" and the Wu language as the method of "application," Shen created the theory of "sanzi qiefa," also known as "sanyin heqie." The theory refers to spelling the sounds of three characters into one sound; the head of the sound comes from the upper character, the belly comes from the middle character, and the bottom comes from the lower character. Shen has his own rationales for the construction of "qiefa ji changfa." Firstly, the methods of spelling sounds are categorized as three types. The first type describes the phonetically combined the cuts (qie) of three characters. The second type is about the combined cuts of the head and the belly sounds. The third type pertains to the combined cuts of the head and the bottom sounds without "yinzhuan" between them. Secondly, Shen's theory emphasizes that it is recognizable to differentiate the phonetic components from the upper, the middle, and the lower characters. Under the same rhymer group, even though the belly and the bottom sounds are the same, it is still recognizable to tell if the initial of the phonetically commented character is voiced or voiceless via the head sound. The belly and the bottom sounds can help to tell if the phonetically commented character is dark or light tone. Thirdly, his comments about mnemonic chants for remembering initials, tonguing, and ending sounds are made to tell the differences of phonology between the central plains sound system and Wu language. These methods offered by Shen meant to teach Wu people for mastering sounds when singing Kunshan drama. "Sanzi qiefa," provides convenient methods for singers to master the head (initials and medials), the belly (main vowels), and the bottom sounds (finals) without missing all important parts of syllables, which proves Shen's idea about "qiefa ji changfa" and practices what Wei Liangfu advocated regarding "toufuweiyin bi yun." What it had been done from Wei to Shen not only presents the academic achievement of the phonology of traditional Chinese opera, but also shows the aesthetics of Duqü in terms of the Kunshan features of lasting and mellowness as the sounds of rubbing water.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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