


Relationship Between Resources Loss, Coping, Social Support and Psychological Symptoms of the 921 Earthquake Victims




許文耀(Wen-Yau Hsu)


資源流失 ; 因應 ; 社會支持 ; 心理症狀 ; 資源保留理論 ; resources loss ; coping ; social support ; psychological symptoms ; conservation of resources theory




45卷3期(2003 / 09 / 01)


263 - 277






Based on conservation of resources theory, this study examines the relations of resources loss, coping measures, evaluation of social support and psychological symptoms of people in the 921 earthquake two years after the earthquake. This study tested resources loss or coping that influence people’ psychological symptoms. Based on COR, resources loss should strongly predict psychological symptoms, but Benight et al., (1999) and Zeidner and Hammer (1992) suggested coping will directly influence psychological symptoms. This study also examined how different kinds of resources loss affected coping measures one uses, and social support and psychological symptoms. Three hundred and fifty four subjects were interviewed in this study, including 240 stayed in shelter, and 114 living in the same home before earthquake. Correlation results of this study support the hypothesis of conservation of resources theory, (i. e., resources loss affects the subject’s psychological symptoms). “Expected support from external agency” and “avoidance coping” also significantly correlated with psychological symptoms. Results of stepwise regression analyses showed that the loss of personal resources was the strongest predictor of subject’s psychological symptoms. “A voidance coping” and “expected support from external agency” also significantly influenced subjects’ psychological symptoms, more than received social support.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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