


Leadership Prototypes and Performance Perceptions




徐瑋伶(Wei-Ling Hsu);鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng)


隱示領導理論 ; 再認歷程 ; 推論歷程 ; 績效知覺 ; 領導範型 ; implicit leadership theory ; recognized-based processes ; inferential processes ; performance perceptions ; leadership prototypes




46卷1期(2004 / 03 / 01)


75 - 89






According to implicit leadership theory (ILT), people have personal theories of leadership in their mind and tend to use their own theories to label and judge leaders. Based on ILT and past research, Lord (1985) developed a social information processing model to describe two types of process- the recognized-based processes and the inferential process- to illustrate leadership perceptions. On the basis of implicit leadership theory and Lord's leadership perception model, this study examined followers' perceptions of supervisors and top leaders. A total of 150 employees who were from 8 local high- tech companies participated in the survey. The results indicated that followers' group performance perceptions had a significant effect on supervisory- prototype congruence, and followers' organizational performance perceptions also had a significant effect on top leader- prototype congruence. The results as well revealed that degree of ascription was a moderator in the relationship between group performance perception and supervisor-prototype congruence. Moreover, the results confirmed the predications that perceiving supervisors was different from perceiving top leaders. When perceiving supervisors, subordinates were able to observe and interact with their supervisors frequently, and therefore it was easy to compare the leaders with their preexisting leadership prototypes and use the results of the comparisons as well as the group performance information to judge the leaders; therefore, followers' group performance perceptions and supervisor-prototype congruence impacted leadership effectiveness concurrently. On the other hand, followers rarely interacted with their top leaders; when they evaluated their top leaders, they had to seek outside information such as the performance of the companies to form their image and make the assessments, and the result was that organizational performance perception had an indirect effect on leadership effectiveness by the mediation of topleader-prototype congruence. The theoretical and practical implications of these finding are discussed accordingly.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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