


An Analysis of Adolescent Family Interactions: Measurement and Typology




黃宗堅(Tsung-Chain Huang);謝雨生(Yeu-Sheng Hsieh);周玉慧(Yuh-Huey Jou)


家庭系統 ; 潛在類別模式 ; 關系互動 ; 家人關系分類 ; 家人關系測量 ; 青少年適應 ; adolescent ; family system ; family measurement ; family typology ; Latent Structure Model




46卷4期(2004 / 12 / 01)


307 - 328




本研究根據家庭系統思維觀點,並運用潛在類別分析模式(Latent Class Analysis),進行整體家人關係的測量與分類。施測對象包含台北縣市九所公私立高中職1~3年級之學生,他們的父親、母親及其中一個兄弟姊妹(其年齡至少須滿12歲),總共四個人構成一個家庭的測量單位,正式研究結果共蒐集到362個家庭的有效配對問卷。測量工具乃使用研究者根據深度訪談與文獻整合編製而成的「家庭關係互動量表」,其中包括訊息交換、情感傳達與問題解決等測量向度。研究結果發現,(1)經過三個層次的潛在類別分析後,得出家庭系統關係互動的兩個主要類型:「關愛扶持型」與「疏離拒斥型」,其結果與Minuchin所主張的「親密」(enmeshment)與「疏離」(disengagement)家庭結構有異曲同工之妙;(2)將上述兩種不同組型建構不同家庭成員彼此互動的類別,得出父親具有:「疼妻惜子型」與「遠妻離子型」,母親具有「親夫愛子型」與「厭夫惡子型」,學生具有「敬親友愛型」與「疏親偏母型」,而學生之手足則具有「尊長親悌型」與「離親疏家型」;(3)再將上述每位家庭成員各自的兩種不同組型交又分析後,得出十六種具有意義的類別來捕捉家庭系統之特性,而從結果中亦顯示十六種不同組型都各有其代表的家庭樣貌存在。最後,本研究亦針對家人關系測量與分類在本土文化的意涵實務上的啓發,提出討論與建議。


From a family system perspective, the present study aimed to explore the dynamic patterns of family systems level. In view of the research deficiencies stated in the literature, the authors suggest that a more sophisticated statistic method, namely, Latent Structure Model can be used to analyze the data. Three hundred and sixty-two high school students as well as their parents and one sibling answered the ”Family System Questionnaire” developed from a grounded theory base. The measurements include specific concepts of cognitive interchange, emotional expression and problem solving. Results indicated that cohesive family and disengaged family are two major and significant patterns of family systems. In addition, sixteen family interaction patterns were also defined to illustrate the dynamic processes between fathers, mothers, adolescent children and their siblings. The effects of indigenous psychology and practical implications were also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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