


Typology of Triangulation among College Student Couples and Their Satisfaction to Intimate Relationships: Dyadic Analysis of Matched Couples




黃宗堅(Tsung-Chain Huang)


家庭界限 ; 階層線性模式 ; 對偶資料 ; 親子三角關係 ; 親密關係 ; dyadic relationship ; family boundary ; hierarchical linear modeling ; intimate relationship ; triangulation




52卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


25 - 46






This study aimed to investigate typology of triangulation manifested by college couples, and the relationship between their conflict resolution strategy and intimacy satisfaction. 234 college couples were recruited from ten public and private universities in Taipei County and Taipei city. Results from Latent Class Analysis showed that the triangulation of college student couples can be divided into four categories, namely ”Male and Female Autonomy”, ”Male Autonomy, Female Cooperate”, ”Male Responsible, Female Compromise” and ”Male Dependent, Female Control.” Regardless of male or female college students, the satisfaction levels for ”Male and Female Autonomy” and ”Male Autonomy, Female Cooperate” were both higher than for ”Male Dependent, Female Control.” Interestingly, for the typology of ”Male Autonomy, Female Cooperate,” although the female students intervene in the triangulation to some extent and their self-differentiation appeared unfavorable, when coupled with male college students who were well-differentiated, the relationships were favorable. Moreover, Hierarchical Linear Modeling revealed there was an indirect pathway from typology of triangulation to intimate relationship through college students' conflict resolution strategies. Last, based on Chinese relationalism and Bowen's theory of family system, discussions and suggestions were offered for future studies and practical applications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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