


Organizational Frustration and Workplace Withdrawal: The Study of Abusive Supervision and Work Locus of Control




郭建志(Chien-Chih Kuo);蔡育菁(Yu-Ching Tsai)


工作內外控 ; 主管不當督導 ; 組織挫折 ; 職場退縮 ; abusive supervision ; organizational frustration ; work locus of control ; workplace withdrawal




54卷3期(2012 / 09 / 01)


293 - 313






Based on the organizational frustration-aggression work, the current study was designed to test the relationship of organizational frustration with workplace withdrawal (job withdrawal and work withdrawal), and to examine the influence of abusive supervision and work locus of control on organizational frustration. The data were collected from 338 employees in the several industries, such as semiconductor, manufacture, and chemistry in Taiwan.As expected, a positive relationship was found between organizational frustration and workplace withdrawal. In addition, it was found that abusive supervision was positively related to organizational frustration. It shows that organizational frustration mediates the relationship between abusive supervision and workplace withdrawal. Moreover, organizational frustration was associated with individual difference in reaction to abusive supervision. In low levels of abusive supervision, workers with internal work locus of control reported a lower incidence of experienced frustration than those with external work locus of control. But, in high levels of abusive supervision, internals and externals reported higher levels of experienced frustration indifferently. The results offered general support for the applicability of the organizational frustration-aggression hypothesis to the workplace. Further discussion focuses on theoretical and practical implications of the observed outcomes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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