


An Analysis on the Concept and Treatment of "Happiness" in Counseling




尤淑如(Anna Yu)


亞里斯多德 ; 聖多瑪斯 ; 麥金泰爾 ; 德行論 ; 幸福 ; 德行 ; 哲學諮商 ; Daniel Nettle ; 陸洛 ; Aristotle ; Saint Thomas Aquinas ; Alasdair MacIntyre ; Virtue Ethics ; Happiness ; Virtue ; Philosophical Counseling ; Daniel Nettle ; Lo Luo




38卷7期(2011 / 07 / 01)


97 - 116






What is ”happiness”? Is ”happiness” the purpose of counseling? Does ”happiness” contain the immanence of such values as ethics and morality? Aristotle and others understood happiness in the light of the supreme good and virtues. As psychological counseling used to emphasize value neutrality, bringing up the concept of ethics in counseling activities would unavoidably be questioned and rejected. And yet, are the concepts of value neutrality and ethics completely opposed and incompatible to one another? By repairing the client's psychological trauma, psychological counseling enables the client to move toward a good life and supports him or her to pursue happiness. Based on virtue ethics, philosophical counseling also becomes a power and method that help people pursue happiness, since virtue ethics is committed to the pursuit of happiness and good life through developing oneself. Therefore, psychological counseling and philosophical counseling are consistent in their aspiration for the client's happiness.For Aristotle, virtue is vital to a life of happiness, as happiness and virtue are almost symbiotic. To the concept of either the highest happiness or the second best happiness, virtue is a necessary and indispensible condition. As one of the most representative philosophers of virtue ethics in fifty years, Alasdair MacIntyre is committed to restoring the tradition of virtue ethics from Aristotle to Saint Thomas Aquinas, putting ”virtue” back into center of the whole public domain such as social institutions and social life. In this way, he builds up an exploration mode that contributes to the skills of achieving good life. MacIntyre's virtue ethics accentuates the importance of the social context to virtues; this social context comprises at least three key points: the activity to practice virtues, the agent's life narrative and tradition. It is by means of these three key points that virtues get to be practiced and understood.Here we are to make a preliminary inquiry on how MacIntyre's three key points of virtue ethics are applied to the activities of counseling, helping the client clarify the concept of him or her through reasonable thinking, and how to recognize and secure the values that one sticks to through moral reasoning so as to, furthermore, achieve one's ideal happiness.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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