


Risk Perception, Human Values, Issue Communication, and Behavioral Intention for Air Pollution Prevention and Control among Taiwanese Adults




徐美苓(Mei-Ling Hsu)


主動傳播 ; 空污防制 ; 風險感知 ; 價值觀 ; 環境傳播 ; Active communication ; air pollution prevention and control ; risk perception ; human values ; environmental communication




138期(2019 / 01 / 01)


25 - 73






By going beyond the mere personal and descriptive approaches to examine factors contributing to the public’s behavioral intention for air pollution prevention and control, this study integrates basic human values and the construct of active communication with risk perception and concern over the issue. From a nationwide face-to-face survey conducted on a representative sample of 2,098 Taiwanese adults between September and November, 2016, the results indicate that women, people aged between 40- 59, those with a higher education, people living in the more air-polluted south, people with a higher social level of human values, and those communicating more actively such as taking the initiative to seek relevant information and share it with others are positively related to behavioral intention. This paper clarifies the related research and practices that enhance effective communication actions in promoting air pollution prevention and control.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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