


The Exploration on Outsourcing System for Heritages: A Case Study of Tainan City, Taiwan


許秉翔(Ping-Hsiang Hsu)


古蹟管理 ; 公辦民營 ; 公私合作 ; 古蹟再利用 ; 台南市 ; Heritage Management ; Outsourcing (Contracting Out) ; Public-Private Partnership ; Adaptive Reuse ; Tainan City




86期(2013 / 12 / 01)


207 - 229






The outsourcing for heritages is an important cultural policy of Taiwan's local government. The formation of such policy is influenced by privatization movement from western developed countries and affected by the deregulation in 2000 to attract the private sector to manage the local heritage. This article aimed to analyze the institutional design of the outsourcing system for Taiwan's heritage through interviewing different key stakeholders in Tainan City.The research findings were as below: Firstly, the different types of agent give rise to the problem of performance evaluation. Hence, local government should define clear policy goals and evaluation criteria for different types of private sector, including enterprise, individual and non-profit organization. Secondly, there is an imbalance power between the entrusters and entrustees in contract interpretation, and this fact might increase the risk of the private sector. Thirdly, the maintenance cost and complicated administration processes increase management cost and uncertainty, which is usually ignored by the private sector in the pre-review process. Fourthly, for avoiding improper administrative intervention, a better and detailed contract should be emphasized. Fifthly, the extent of collaboration of public-private partnership existing in our case studies was depended on the subsidy of government resources and the exchange of social capital. At last, there is no rational basis to evaluate contract period. We suggest a financial feasibility report is necessary for government officials before tender competition. First right of refusal is also necessary for institutional design to alleviate the argument of proper contract period.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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