Xiluo Guangfu Mazu Temple, built by Hakka and Hokkien, was rebuilt from 1936 to 1939 and was initiated by local elites. To this day, the account books and the registers that record expenses and donations at that time are still preserved, provide the possibility of breakthrough for Taiwanese temple how to social mobilization. This article is an attempt to construct the potential "contributed sphere", that emerged in the temple rebuild, at constructional, social, and geographical scales. From observing the contribution of people who donate and provide any assistance, this article finds that the perspective of "contribute" can effectively visualize the folk religious structure and the essential of the temple rebuilding under the permission of political economy. First, whether the "contributed sphere" can fully emerge is often the key to the completion of the temple. Second, this article tries to use "emergence" to illustrate the development process of the contributed sphere, among the interactions of constructional, social, and geographical scales, the temple prompts a potential contributed sphere to respond through a series of actions. Even if the local people were differentiated by Fujian and Guangdong or blood, it will eventually become a whole in the operating system and some historical events of temple building. Finally, from the temple managers, local leaders to the local people, all of them were involved in the rebuilding of the Guangfu Mazu Temple, and then it was transformed into a significant local event with time transgressive significance (longue duree). Therefore, the temple rebuilding received a lot of resources from the local community.
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