As the cross-Strait situation has changed and economic and trade activities between the two sides have increased, the types of exchanges between the two sides have expanded and diversified. The number of Taiwan citizens taking up employment or organizational membership in China has risen dramatically and led to a complex controversy. Article 33 of the Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area (hereafter abbreviated as the Cross-Strait Act) prohibits Taiwan citizens from holding positions or membership in party, state and military institutions or their affiliated organizations in China. However, in 2012 Taiwan’s National Security Bureau raised 169 cases of Taiwan citizens violating this provision and investigations by relevant government departments during the past year show that 32 people remain in violation, or possibly in violation, of the law. In the case examined in this study, Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation reported that Taiwanese businessman Eric Teng held a seat on a committee representing Taiwan (along with Hong and Macau) on the Shanghai City Federation for Returned Overseas Chinese. On 1 March 2014, the Mainland Affairs Council announced that Teng was in violation of the Cross-Strait Act's prohibition of Taiwan citizens' membership in organizations of a political nature in China and requested the Interior Ministry issue Teng a fine of 10,000 New Taiwan Dollars in accordance with Article 90, Section 2 of the Cross-Strait Act. Teng filed an appeal with the Executive Yuan's Appeals Committee, which ruled to revoke the decision to take disciplinary action against him. The Cross-Strait Act is essentially a regulatory statute. This study applies Jiunn-rong Yeh's three-level regulatory theory analytical framework to examine th Eric Teng case. It first describes the structure of the case, including the regulatory environment, regulatory structure, regulatory process, regulatory bodies and jurisdictions, and regulatory laws and structures. Second, the paper discusses whether or not regulation is reasonable in this case from the perspective of rights, relief, system and process, and policy and strategy. Finally, the author offers some recommendations for Taiwan's regulatory mechanism regarding Taiwan citizens holding positions in China.
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