In this study, a model for the household decision on car/motorbike ownership and use is developed, estimated, and applied. The model takes both cars and motorbikes into account. It is mainly based on the microeconomic theory of consumer behavior in which the fixed and variable car/motorbike costs are two main components of budget restriction. The probabilities of car/motorbike ownership are derived and calculated by comparing direct and indirect utilities. A disaggregate data set at the level of individual households was obtained based on the household interviews conducted in Taichung City in 2000. Genetic Algorithm is applied to calibrate the parameters and further figure out the impact of changes in variable car/motorbikes, fixed car/motorbike costs, household income, and combinations of these on the household car/motorbike ownership and use. In general, the long-term income elasticity is greater than the variable cost elasticity and the fixed cost elasticity. The policy analysis also indicates that variable costs have more effects on reducing vehicle use. It is, therefore, a good direction for authorities to consider such strategies to improve transportation environment.
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