


Effects of Servicescape and Waiting Experience on Passengers' Behavioral Intentions and Choice Behavior in Scheduled Coach Servcie




任維廉(William Jen);董士偉(Shih-Wei Tung);呂堂榮(Tang-Jung Lu)


服務場景 ; 等候經驗 ; 行為意向 ; 選擇行為 ; Servicescape ; Waiting experience ; Behavioral intention ; Choice behavior




34卷3期(2005 / 09 / 30)


413 - 442






In the past, studies on passenger's intention and behavior often discuss the factors, such as fare, service quality, perceived value, etc., but do not discuss the effects of servicescape and waiting experience. To identify what relevant factors affect passengers' behavior and intention more specifically, we used two stage research methods. First, we applied ”Structural Equation Modeling, (SEM)” to discuss whether these factors will affect passengers' behavioral intention in scheduled coach and find the cause and effect between them. Then we applied ”Discrete Choice Modeling, (DCM)” for confirming whether these factors will affect passengers' actual behavior of choices in scheduled coach. Our subjects of research include passengers traveling by five companies which operate short-term (Taipei-Hsinchu) scheduled coaches and three companies which operate long-term (Taipei-Tainan) scheduled coaches. We sent out 713 questionnaires altogether and 640 questionnaires were effective. The result of the SEM research showed that all the hypotheses we made have been confirmed. The main factor which effects the behavioral intention is the value of service perceived by passengers. Overall service quality is the main factor which affects the value of service. Servicescape is the main factor which effects overall service quality. The result of the DCM showed that the dimension of ”ambient conditions” and ”signs and symbolsv” in the servicescape, and ”service provider control over delay” dimension and ”delay” dimension in waiting experience, reasonability of fire, overall service quality (significant in long-term), passengers' socioeconomic characteristics and trip characteristics greatly affected passengers' actual behavior of choices in scheduled coach. The elasticity of price showed that, the sensitivity of long-term passengers' price was higher than short-term passengers. On the other hand, strategy sensitivity analysis showed that, if the short-term companies' operators were willing to promote their market share, they should improve passengers' satisfaction in ”control over delay” dimension in waiting experience; if the long-term companies' operators wanted to promote their market share, they should improve passengers' satisfaction in ”signs and symbols” dimension in the servicescape.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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