


A Hybrid Model for Airline Maintenance Outsourcing Selection




劉建浩(James J. H. Liou);葉怡廷(Yi-Ting Yeh);莊哲維(Che-Wei Chuang)


委外 ; 航空公司 ; DANP ; DEMATEL ; VIKOR ; Outsourcing ; Airline ; DANP ; DEMATEL ; VIKOR




41卷2期(2012 / 06 / 30)


135 - 163




面對全球化的市場,航空運輸業的彼此競爭日趨激烈。臺灣為一海島型國家,面對經濟成長與國民所得的提升,航空運輸成為不可或缺的要素。航空公司為了滿足市場需求及維持高度競爭力,提供一個安全、舒適、快捷的飛航服務更是必要的條件。因此,航空維修委外是目前降低成本並保持服務水準的重要競爭策略之一。然而,建立一套良好的維修委外代理商評選制度,將是未來航空運輸業發展重要之課題。本研究提出12項影響航空公司評選維修委外商之因素,過去雖已經有研究於建立各種評估模式,但多假設因素間為相互獨立,但現實環境中這些因素間應該彼此有關連。因此本研究首先利用決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL)了解航空公司考量因素之關連性及影響性,再以DANP法(DEM ATEL-based ANP)計算評選準則之權重。最後使用VIKOR績效排序法,選出航空公司最適合之維修委外代理廠商。此模式應當更能符合實際的狀況。


The competition of air transportation has increased continuously due to globalization. Since Taiwan is an island country and faces economy growth and per capita income, air transportation has an increasingly essential role. Airlines are asked to meet the needs of airline markets and maintain high levels of competitiveness. It's essential for airlines to provide safe, comfortable and efficient air transport services and, as such, the industry of airline maintenance outsourcing has become an important strategy necessary to reduce costs and maintenance of the service levels. However, the important task remains for airlines to build good assessment systems in maintenance outsourcing activities. This study proposes twelve factors affecting airlines' maintenance outsourcing. Efforts have been made to find systematic ways to attain proper outsourcing providers, but these have assumed that criteria used in the decision process are independent, which is not true in the real world. To address this problem, we first use a Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) to build the network relationship between criteria. Second, DANP (DEMATEL-based ANP) is used to calculate the weights of assessing criteria. Finally, VIKOR (VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) performance ranking method is used to select the most suitable outsourcing maintenance agent by airlines. The proposed model should more reasonably reflect the real world.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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