With the WWW, iPad, iPhone and other mobile carrier's growing popularity, combined with the cloud platform of innovative learning model has become the focus of public attention. This project is intended to cloud platform interactive game as a ”creative learning” teaching modules, by the use of cloud platform digital interactive games learning environment so that students can learn in a relaxed environment, learn the knowledge and skills.Hong, J. C. (2011)suggested that educational games can be divided into ”learning by playing” and ”learning for playing”. Good interactive games allow learners to generate ”playfulness”. When learners have ”flow experience” into their heart, the fun and sense of honor has cropped up, invisible reinforced learning.Because the nature and properties of different disciplines maybe different, when they uploaded to the educational cloud platform also have different. This project for the homogeneity of the structure of different disciplines, part of the cloud interactive creativity game is going to design and development module. Besides, we hope that a modular concept, the development of different disciplines can be applied to modular tools for the cloud platform. Otherwise, we will be in Chinese, such as the applicability of the content analysis module, in order to cloud platform in the education market and its commercial value in the future.During this period, we will depelope ”paired module design” and ”modular design for license renewal”, combined with mathematical to develop two types of some games. Above games through continuous experiments, testing and modifications, will become products in Taiwan, mainland China, Chinese Applied region, to promote and validate cloud platform interactive educational game-based learning results.
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