


From "Creativity Teaching for Adaptive Learning" to "Adaptive Teaching for Learning Creativity"




張雨霖(Yu-Lin Chang)


適性教育 ; 創造力課程設計架構 ; 創造力教學 ; adaptive education ; frame of creativity curriculum design ; teaching of creativity




67卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


36 - 55




目前適性教育之教學較缺乏高層次認知能力培育的知能,另一方面創造力教學的實踐,則尚未引入適性教學的觀念。本文首先說明學生在認知層面上的潛能以及情意層面的特徵。進而由課程設計以及知識、創造思考、情意之教學活動與原則,闡述教師如何培育學生創造力,最後以Treffinger等人(Treffinger, Young,Selby, & Shepardson, 2002; Treffinger, Schoonover, & Selby, 2012)所提出的區分性創造力課程設計架構為例,介紹適性化的創造力課程設計模式,應區分學生的潛能及特質,再依據不同潛能與特質的學生,提供不同的創造力課程。最後針對透過創造力教學的實踐增進「適性教育」,以及透過「適性教育」的理念深化創造力教學提出建議。


The adaptive education nowadays is insufficient in fostering students' competence in the ability of higher order thinking. On the other hand, the practice of creativity teaching has not yet adopted the concept of adaptive education. This paper elucidated students' potential in cognitive thinking and characteristics from affective aspects first. Furthermore, through curriculum designs, teaching activities, and principles of instruction focusing on knowledge, creative thinking, and affective domains, we explained how teachers could develop students' creativity. Finally, we introduced the adaptive model of creativity curriculum design according to the differentiated frames proposed by Treffinger, Young, Selby, and Shepardson (2002) and Treffinger, Schoonover, and Selby (2012). This model should differentiate students' potential and characteristics, and provide different creativity courses, accordingly. Suggestions were also given to improve adaptive learning by the practice of creativity teaching and to strengthen learning creativity by the spirit of adaptive education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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