The paper focuses on training for guidance counselors of the secondary education system in Taiwan. Given the core competency of the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education, this article proposed a postmodern pedagogy to apply guidance for counselors-in-training training to equip them with professional competencies to work with the students with learning context directed by the Curriculum Guidelines. When reflecting on education for guidance counselors-in-training who will work with students receiving education led by the Guidelines, the teachers or counseling educators also need to think how to teach and equip guidance counselors-in-training the professional competency. Firstly, based on the core competency of the Guidelines, "Spontaneity, Communication and Interactions, and Social Participation", guidance counselors' professional competency correspondingly could be "Independently Thinking, Communication, and Advocacy." Furthermore, the professional training dimensions are proposed to be "Local Voicing, Conversation and Connection, and Concerns for Human Rights." The study proposed a postmodern pedagogy to apply in counselor education and training, based on "Relationship" and includes four dimensions: "Dialogue, Reflexivity, Construction, and Knowledge." Finally, the study discussed a case study on applying the postmodern pedagogy into the course of Guidance Principal and Practice.
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