


The Study of the Relationship among Business Ethics Codes, Ethical Evaluation, Ethical Judgment and Behavior Intention-An Example of the Real Estate Brokers




李春長(Chun-Chang Lee);尤靖雅(Ching-Ya Yu)


結構方程模式 ; 房屋仲介業 ; 企業倫理規範 ; 倫理評價 ; 倫理判斷 ; 行為意圖 ; Structural equation modeling ; Real estate brokerage ; Business ethics codes ; Ethical evaluation ; Ethical judgment ; Behavior intention




34卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


13 - 37




本研究主要利用結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)來進行分析,以房屋仲介從業人員為調查對象,探討企業倫理規範、倫理評價對於倫理判斷與行為意圖之影響。研究結果顯示,整體理論模式配適符合可接受的適合度檢定水準,表示本研究的理論模型可獲得支持;當房屋仲介從業人員對於企業倫理規範的認知愈高或對於倫理評價愈高時,則預期其倫理判斷將愈具正向之影響效果,且預期個人將愈不會產生違反倫理之意圖;房屋仲介從業人員對於企業倫理規範之認知與倫理評價之觀點,對於行為意圖之直接影響效果,小於其透過倫理判斷間接影響到行為意圖之影響效果。


Taking real estate brokers as its subject, this study uses structural equation modeling to analyze and discuss the effects of business ethics codes and ethical evaluation upon ethical judgment and behavior intention. The analysis results reveal that the general theoretical model in this study has an acceptable goodness-of-fit, showing that the theoretical model is supported. When real estate brokers have improved mastery of business ethics codes or gain improved ethical evaluations, individual ethical judgment will positively affect individual behaviors, and individuals will not break ethical codes. The direct effects of real estate broker views on business ethics codes and ethical evaluation on behavioral intention are weaker than the indirect effects of ethical judgment on behavioral Taking real estate brokers as its subject, this study uses structural equation modeling to analyze and discuss the effects of business ethics codes and ethical evaluation upon ethical judgment and behavior intention. The analysis results reveal that the general theoretical model in this study has an acceptable goodness-of-fit, showing that the theoretical model is supported. When real estate brokers have improved mastery of business ethics codes or gain improved ethical evaluations, individual ethical judgment will positively affect individual behaviors, and individuals will not break ethical codes. The direct effects of real estate broker views on business ethics codes and ethical evaluation on behavioral intention are weaker than the indirect effects of ethical judgment on behavioral intention.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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