


Comparison of Community Resident Participation in Environmental Improvement Projects between an Urban Planning District and Non-urban Planning District-A Case Study of Southern Taiwan




郭彰仁(Chang-Jen Kuo);郭瑞坤(Jui-Kun Kuo);侯錦雄(Jing-Shoung Hou);林建堯(Chien-Yau Lin)


社區意識 ; 營造都市社區新風貌計畫 ; 營造農村新風貌計畫 ; 計劃行爲理論 ; 負責任的環境行爲模式 ; 結構方程模式 ; 環境道德感 ; 環境行動知識 ; 社會認知論 ; Sense of community ; Urban community landscape restoration project ; Rural community landscape restoration project ; Theory of planned behavior ; Responsible environmental behavior ; Structural equation modeling ; Moral environmental obligation ; Knowledge of environmental projects ; Social cognitive theory




37卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


393 - 431






Urban and rural physical environments are important factors in local development. Generally, the most effective community development encourages people to participate in projects that improve the environment. For instance, literature indicated that the individual is the most important factor in environmental improvement projects. Thus, people who participate in community affairs often perform better during community improvement projects than those who do not participate in community affairs. Based on an efficient society with government downsizing, inducing community residents to participate in environmental improvement projects would help achieve environmental sustainability, indirectly leading to sustainable local development. Community responsibility, knowledge of environmental projects, and self-control ability may be correlated with community resident participation in environmental improvement projects. This study explores the relationships among sense of community, knowledge of environmental projects, moral environmental obligation, and participating in environmental improvement projects, and integrates theories for testing the proposed community participation behavior model. This study surveyed community residents who have participated in an urban community landscape restoration project supported by Taiwan's Construction and Planning Agency, and a rural community landscape restoration project funded by the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau. In total, 616 community residents filled out a questionnaire. Respondents were grouped into an urban planning district group and non-urban planning district group. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was then applied to test the conceptual model. Analytical findings indicate that resident ”subjective norm,” ”attitude,” ”perceived behavioral control,” ”sense of community,” ”self-efficacy,” ”knowledge of environmental projects,” and ”moral environmental obligation” significantly impact resident ”behavioral intention” and ”to participate in environmental improvement projects”. These findings also show that conceptual models for community residents differ.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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