One objective of transit-oriented development (TOD) is to provide affordable housing in station areas, allowing transit dependents to fulfill their residential self-selection and hence to take transit. However, this objective could be adversely affected by high housing prices in TOD station areas. Nonetheless, previous research sheds little light on the impact of mixed land use on housing prices. This study analyzes the relationship between mixed use, density, and accessibility on the one hand, and to evaluate the impact of mixed use on housing prices on the other hand. To accomplish this empirical research, the hedonic price model is applied to the case of Taipei City, Taiwan. Research findings suggest compatible residential-needs uses in neighboring blocks increase housing prices. Additionally, this research reveals that high-quantity land use does not significantly improve level of accessibility. A community designed with neighboring mixed-use blocks and diverse land uses increases accessibility, but also results in increased housing prices. Hence this research suggests raising floor area ratio cap, together with the suggested mixed use type, which on the one hand, is likely to lower housing price per unit floor area, and on the other hand, to increase housing supply in TOD station areas.
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