


Flood-project Stakeholders: Tentative Framework for Stakeholder Identification




李家齊(Chia-Chi Lee);陳亮全(Liang-Chun Chen)


利害關係者 ; 防洪計畫 ; 洪災管理 ; Stakeholder ; Flood project ; Flood management




39卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


121 - 155






When getting people involved in public affairs, two important questions arise: Who will participate? And who has the right to participate? In the context of a large modern state, having all civilians exercise their civil rights directly is not feasible. Additionally, a lack of representativeness in representative government has been criticized repeatedly. To overcome such difficulties, the concept of stakeholders, defined as those who have a stake in certain public affairs, is applied. A flood project is the focus of this study. Based on stakeholder theory, a framework for stakeholder identification for a flood project is constructed to answer the question: ”Whose voice should be heard before the government implements a flood project?” This framework also reduces the probability that important stakeholders will be excluded from stakeholder groups. The proposed framework identifies multiple stakeholders via different methods and takes feasibility into consideration. We hope that through this framework, diverse opinions will be heard faithfully and considered, and that flood projects will satisfy an increased number of stakeholders.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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