


Formation, Practice and Characteristics of Governmentality in the Special Conservation Zone of Dihua Street




林文一(Wen-I Lin);張家睿(Jia-Rui Zhang)


治理性 ; 政治合法性 ; 治理技術 ; 全球南方城市 ; 特區 ; Governmenality ; Political legitimacy ; Technology of governance ; Global south city ; Special zone




48卷3期(2021 / 09 / 30)


311 - 346






The research perspective of governmentality has been used broadly to review the policy agenda or institutional reconstruction of urban redevelopment or regeneration. However, the current European-focused governmentality literature generally neglects to conceptualise the characteristic, complex and conflicting process of shaping governmentality in Global South cities. As a critical case of reforming urban planning and experimenting urban design within a historical neighbourhood in Taipei, the process of constructing governmentality for Dihua Street Special Conservation Zone can help address this neglect. Through a critical review of such a process, this study aims to conceptualise an evolution process that is different from that of the European governmentality school. The formation of the Dihua Street Special Conservation Zone originates from reinterpreting and representing its political legitimacy of cultural conservation that seeks to reverse its past negative images to pursue political 'righteousness' and modern urbanisation. After this, due to local state's difficulties of building the "regime of truth" and in-depth understanding of Dihua street, this study illustrates the special dualism and its core shortcomings of local state's experiments of "technology of governance" via calculative experiments on a specializing zone and "governing without numbers" within a special zone of suspending part of planning regulations.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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