


Research and Application of Inclusive TOD Evaluation Criterion in Localization




陳柏維(Po-Wei Chen);白仁德(Jen-Te Pai)


包容式大眾運輸導向發展 ; 都市設計 ; 模糊德爾菲法 ; 模糊層級分析法 ; Inclusive TOD ; Urban Design ; FDM ; FAHP




49卷2期(2022 / 06 / 30)


199 - 218




交通及發展政策研究所為一國際性的非政府組織,自2013年起陸續出版了《TOD標準》1.0版、2.1版及3.0版,其中3.0版更是基於「創建以人為本的城市」的原則,制定出具備包容性的TOD發展工作評估指引;然而,這套通則性評估架構適用的對象為全球每一座城市,無法全般因應個別城市所存在的都市問題。因此,本研究蒐整國內、外相關文獻,建立在地化之包容式TOD評估指標架構,藉由模糊德爾菲法及模糊層級分析法篩選出符合我國民情的評估指標,再以臺北捷運系統中的劍南路站及港墘站為對象,進行周邊500公尺範圍內建成環境的實證分析。實證結果顯示,兩處包容式TOD發展程度達TOD 3.0評分標準中的銀牌程度,且評估分數相近,符合臺北市高度都市化,各區、里發展完善且平均的實際現況,研究結果可供國內城鄉運輸規劃等相關單位之參考應用。


Institute for Transportation and Development Policy is an international non-governmental organization and has published version 1.0, 2.1 and 3.0 of the "TOD standard" successively since 2013. Among them, version 3.0 is based on the principle of "creating a people-oriented city" to establish the guideline for the evaluation of inclusive TOD development. However, this assessment criterion framework is merely applicable to general problems of every city all over the world, it can't be completely suited to the certain problems of individual city. Therefor, this study collects relevant domestic and foreign literature to establish a localized evaluation criterion framework of inclusive TOD and uses FDM and FAHP to select the evaluation indicators that suit our national conditions. Then, for the Jiannan Road Station and Gangqian Station in the Taipei MRT system, an evaluation analysis of the built environment within a 500-meter radius was conducted. The results show that the inclusive TOD development level of the two stations is the silver level in the TOD 3.0 scoring standard, and the evaluation scores are similar. It is in line with Taipei's highly urbanized, well-developed and consistent. The research results can be referred for relevant agencies to make transportation and urban rural planning improvement.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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