


Influence of User Involvement to Service Quality on Internet-An Empirical Study on Search Engine Services




翁崇雄(Chorng-Shyong Ong);田文良(Wen-Liang Tian)


網際網路 ; 服務品質 ; 使用者涉入 ; Internet ; Service Quality ; User Involvement




13卷2期(2003 / 06 / 01)


29 - 57




近年來由於網際網路與電子商務的發展,使得資訊服務的接觸範圍已由內部顧客擴展到外部顧客,而服務的重點在於品質,故資訊服務的服務品質廣受重視,同時,學者漸將行銷領域中的「涉入」概念引伸到「服務涉入」中,因此本研究嘗試探討使用者涉入程度對於網際網路線上服務服務品質評量的影響。 本研究對網際網路、服務品質、使用者涉入等相關領域文獻進行整理與探討後,獲知PZB(1985)所提之服務品質觀念性模型並未考慮到「使用者涉入」因素的影響,因此本研究以涉入理論為基礎,結合服務品質方面的理論與差距衡量模型,提出「使用者涉入對服務品質影響之觀念性模型」,並以搜尋引擎線上服務之使用者為對象,進行實證研究,利用LISREL進行與PZB模型的比較分析,證實「使用者涉入對服務品質影響之觀念性模型」具有較佳的模型適合度,且發現「使用者涉入」對「期望服務」、「認知服務」、及「整體服務品質」等構面皆存在很大的正向影響。


In recent years, the development of Internet and electronic commerce has expanded the range of information service from internal customer to external customer, and the service quality of information has been put upon great importance since quality is the point of service. In the meantime, scholars are gradually extending the concept of ”involvement” into ”service involvement”, therefore this study attempts to investigate the influence that the degree of user involvement causes to the assessment of service quality on Internet. This study integrated and probed literature in related domains such as Internet, service quality and user involvement, and found that the PZB(1985) Service Quality Conceptual Model does not take the factor of ”user involvement” into consideration, and is thus built primarily on the theory of involvement. Combining with the gap model and theories on service quality, this study proposed further ”The Conceptual Model of Influence from User Involvement to Service Quality”, and conducted empirical research based on users of search engines. Through compare analysis with PZB model by LISREL, superior model fitness of ”The Conceptual Model of Influence from User Involvement to Service Quality Assessment” is verified, and ”user involvement” is found to cast great positive effect on constructs such as ”expected service”, ”perceived service” and ”total service quality”.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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