


The Impact of Preinterview Impression on Interviewer Evaluation: The Moderating Role of Interview Structure




陳建丞(Chien-Cheng Chen);蔡維奇(Wei-Chi Tsai)


面談前印象 ; 面談結構性 ; 甄選面談 ; preinterview impression ; interview structure ; employment interview




16卷1期(2005 / 12 / 01)


155 - 170




一般而言,在面試開始之前,面試官會根據一些應徵者的書面資料,來形成對應徵者與工作配適度上之第一印象(Phillips & Dipboye, 1989)。過去研究指出面試官對應徵者之面談前印象會影響面試官對應徵者的評量。本研究延伸過去研究,在真實甄選面談情境中,檢視面談結構性對面談前印象效應的干擾角色。由43位面試官與151位應徵者中所蒐集的資料顯示當面談結構性愈高,面談前印象與面試官評量之間的關係將愈弱。在實務意涵方面,本研究建議面試官在甄選面談時,可利用提高面談結構性的方式,來降低面談前印象所可能帶來的評估誤差。


Before an employment interview, the interview typically preview applicants' paper credentials and form a first impression of the applicant's fit to the perceived requirements of the job (Phillips & Dipboye, 1989). Past research has found that interviewers' preinterview impressions of job applicants affect their subsequent evaluations. This study extends previous research by examining the moderating role of interview structure in real employment interviews for actual job openings. Results from 43 interviewers and 151 applicants of 25 firms supported our hypothesis and showed that the more structured the interview, the weaker the relationship between preinterview impressions and interviewer evaluation, indicating that organizations using highly structured interviews may reduce potential sources of error caused by preinterview impressions and as a result enhance the quality of interviewer decisions.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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