


Business Strategy, Nonfinancial Performance Measures, and CEO Compensation: Evidence from Electronics Industry




陳玉麟(Yu-Lin Chen)


企業策略 ; 總經理薪酬 ; 非財務績效衡量 ; Business strategy ; CEO compensation ; Nonfinancial performance measures




54期(2012 / 01 / 01)


117 - 150






This study examines the relationships between CEO compensation and nonfinancial performance measures and, more importantly, whether or not these relationships are moderated by business strategy. The analysis of this study is based on 2000-2004 CEO compensation data gathered from Taiwanese electronics firms. I find, after controlling for financial performance measures, that both innovation and manufacturing performance measures are positively associated with CEO compensation. Furthermore, business strategy moderates the pay-nonfinancial performance sensitivity. For firms adopting OBM strategies and ODM strategies, the positive relationships between innovation performance measures and CEO compensation are stronger than those between manufacturing performance measures and CEO compensation. Conversely, the positive relationships between manufacturing performance measures and CEO compensation are stronger than those between innovation performance measures and CEO compensation for firms pursuing OEM strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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