


An Overseas Chinese Clan and Their New Settlement in Native Place: A Case Study on Wang's Shanhou Jungbau, Kinmen (Quemoy), Fuijian.




江柏煒(Bo-Wei Chiang)


金門 ; 華僑 ; 王明玉國珍 ; 王敬祥 ; 神戶 ; 僑資聚落 ; 建築史 ; Kinmen Quemoy ; Overseas Chinese ; Wang Mingyu Guojen ; Wang Jingshiang ; Kobe ; New Overseas Chinese Settlement ; Architectural History




15卷1期(2003 / 03 / 01)


1 - 57




清中葉以降,大量的閩粵移民出洋。多數勤儉的僑民,將所得儲蓄下來,定期寄返家鄉,贍養家眷或興修祖厝。少部份的華僑,經商致富,進而成為海外重要的僑界領袖。從文獻資料與田野調查中發現,晚清時期閩粵僑鄉出現一種普遍的現象:一些事業有成的僑領或歸僑,返鄉興建規模宏大的聚落,如廣州黃埔的胡瑛澤、廣東開平的謝維立、粵東梅縣的蕭玉齋、梅縣的張振勛、煜南、鴻南兄弟、謝逸橋及良牧兄弟、福建海澄的丘氏族人、安溪的胡典成兄弟、南安的蔡啟昌及德淺父子、金門的王明玉(國珍)等所創建的僑資聚落。 晚清時期興建的僑資聚落,往往不是選擇新穎的、混血的洋樓形式,而是採用了具有地方傳統特色的建築類型與形式。金門山后王氏中堡,即為典型的案例。族人王明玉(國珍)約於清同治七年(1868年)間東渡日本,在神戶經商致富。他返鄉於原聚落(山后上堡)旁,購置土地一體規劃,興建族居及祖厝,總計興建二落大厝民宅十六棟、王氏宗祠及鄉塾(海珠堂)各一棟,總稱「山后十八間」,又稱「山后中堡」。清光緒二年(1876年)動工,二十六年(1900年)竣工,歷二十五年,用料講究、施工細膩,為閩南傳統聚落的代表作。 本研究旨在探究晚清時期華僑家族與僑資聚落營造之關係。藉由史料的考察,探討名聞日本的王氏華僑家族的發跡過程,及其三代於海外的生活史;再來,討論王明玉對於山后中堡的規劃與營造、空間形式的特徵,以及完工後宅屋分配的情況,深入了解僑資聚落的發展過程;最後,進一步指出晚清時期的海外僑領,如何藉由傳統社會體制與空間形式的僑資聚落,再現其華人家族主義與地域認同的價值觀與意識形態。


From the mid-Ching onwards, large numbers of emigrants went abroad from Fujian and Guangdong. Overseas Chinese were typically hard-working and frugal, and periodically sent savings back to their home communities to support their dependents and to construct or repair their ancestral hall. A small number of Overseas Chinese became wealthy through commercial endeavours, and became important leaders of Overseas Chinese communities abroad. Documentary analysis and fieldwork reveal that in the late Ching a very common phenomenon emerged in the native places of the Overseas Chinese. Some of these accomplished Overseas Chinese and returning Overseas Chinese used their capital to construct large-scale, new style settlements. Examples of these Overseas Chinese include Hu Shiuantze of Huangpu in Guangzhou; Shie Weili of Kaiping county, Guangdong; Shiau Yujai of Meishian county, Guangdong; the brothers Jang Jenshiun, Yunan and Hungnan, and the brothers Shie Yichiau and Liangmu, also of Meishian; the Chiou lineage of Haicheng county, Fujian; Hu Diancheng and his brothers of Anshi, Tzai Chichang and his son Dechian of Nanan, and Wang Mingyu of Kinmen. Most of the new Overseas Chinese settlements built in the late Ching did not make use of the new, hybrid Yanglou style, but rather employed categories and styles from the local architectural tradition. Jungbau, a settlement built by the Wang family of Shanhou village in Kinmen is an excellent example. Lineage member Wang Mingyu, also known as Guojen, emigrated to Japan in 1868, and became a prosperous merchant in Kobe. He later returned and purchased property near to his home village of Shanhou Jungbau, and designed and built residences and an ancestral hall for this new settlement, named Jungbau. In all he constructed sixteen residences, an ancestral hall, and a lineage academy, which were collectively known as 'the eighteen halls of Shanhou'. Construction began in 1876 and was only completed twenty-five years later in 1900. The materials used were of highest quality, as was the workmanship, and the results are considered a representative example of southern Fujian traditional architecture. This paper explores the connections between Overseas Chinese families and the construction and management of new Overseas Chinese settlements. Relying on historical documents, it discusses the development of the famous Overseas Chinese Wang lineage of Japan, and the history of their lives abroad for three generations. Next, it discusses Wang Mingyu's planning and construction of the new settlement of Shanhou Jungbau, the special characteristics of its spatial forms, and the allocation of space after construction was completed, in order to deepen our understanding of the process of development of new Overseas Chinese settlements. Lastly, it discusses how Overseas Chinese leaders of the late Ching used new Overseas Chinese settlements employing traditional social structures and spatial forms in order to express a distinctive value system and mentality reflecting Chinese familism and local identity.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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