


The Conflict and Consensus between Religious Beliefs and Professional Values of Social Workers




胡中宜(Chung-Yi Hu)


專業價值 ; 索教信仰 ; 社會工作 ; professional values ; religious beliefs ; social work




22卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


417 - 458






In the western countries, religion played an important role in the history of social work development. In social work practice, a lot of social workers have also been clergy, believers, or employees of religious welfare organizations. The aim of this study was to explore the conflict and consensus between religious beliefs and professional values of social workers. How did social workers think about and solve conflicts of value? This study adopted the in-depth interview method and selected eleven social workers with religious beliefs. According to the findings, there were five dimensions of consensus, including: (1) service; (2) social justice; (3) dignity and worth of the person; (4) acceptance; (5) empathy. Lastly, there were four kinds of conflicts, including: (1) spiritual intervention vs. value-free; (2) forgiving vs. professional boundary; (3) paternalism vs. self-determination; (4) religions discipline vs. non-judgment.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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