


The Effects of Sibling Structure on Fertility Decisions in Taiwan




謝志龍(Chih-Lung Hsieh)


手足結構 ; 生育決策 ; 兒子偏好 ; 家庭資源 ; sibling structure ; fertility decision ; son preference ; family resource




47期(2013 / 12 / 01)


35 - 86






Drawing from theories of son preference and family resources, this paper attempts to construct a sequential fertility model, and then uses it to estimate the probability of parents' fertility decisions for their first few children by the sibling structure and to elaborate the effects of various socio-demographic factors. The data used in the analysis come from the PSFD, in which respondents were born between 1934 and 1986. The main findings are as follows. Firstly, the sibling structure has a significant effect on fertility decisions. Secondly, the gender-balance hypothesis is rejected, whereas the son-preference hypothesis is supported. Parents with daughters in their first two or three births have a greater likelihood to have a next child. Thirdly, son preference and son investment have opposite effects on fertility decisions. The number of sons tends to reduce the likelihood of parents having another child. Fourthly, the hypothesis of social stratification is rejected. Parents of different status groups make similar fertility decisions. Fifthly, the data didn't support the cohort hypothesis, because the patterns of fertility decisions by different cohorts appear the same. Finally, the significant effect of sibling structure indicates that fertility decisions are made in a sequential decision-making process.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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