


Changing Adoption Practices under the Male-Centered Family System




陳奕潔(Yi-Jie Chen);陳玉華(Yu-Hua Chen)


收養 ; 過繼 ; 父權體制 ; 代間傳承 ; adoption ; relative adoption ; patriarchy ; intergenerational transmission




54期(2017 / 06 / 01)


39 - 80






Adoption is a viable and alternate form of family formation, if a couple cannot conceive and give birth to a child. While the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act has been enforced and the legal adoption matching services are available in Taiwan, the data compiled from a report on the registration of adoptive children indicate that adoption of relatives is still preferred and practiced through kinship networks. Using in-depth interviewing data collected from ten families, we analyze how childless families made adoption decisions under the norm of patrilineality within the Chinese family system. The results indicate a strong link between preferred adoption patterns and the family structure. Within stem and extended families, elderly parents not only have the final say on adoption decision but also show a strong preference for the pattern of relative adoption. While a wife has more bargaining power in the conjugal relationship, it is hard to exclude intervention from parents on both sides if her spouse is the oldest son or only child. Concerning the sociocultural importance assigned to children and the patriarchal root of the institution of relative adoption, the significance of conjugal relationship has continuously been downplayed in the Chinese family context. However, there is a shortage of babies because of the decline of fertility in the past few decades. It is also worth mentioning that the presence and status of women in paid employment has improved dramatically, which in turn enhances their decision-making power. Undoubtedly, the pattern of non-relative adoption should become prevalent among childless couples and families eventually.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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