


Exploring the Impact of Work Responsibilities and Work-Life Balance on the Satisfaction of Interpersonal Relationships of Newly-Recruited Senior Civil Servants




謝儲鍵(Chu-chien Hsieh);陳敦源(Don-yun Chen)


初任高考公務人員 ; 工作責任 ; 工作生活平衡 ; 人際關係滿意度 ; Newly-recruited Senior Civil Servants ; Work Responsibility ; Work-life Balance ; Satisfaction of Interpersonal Relationships




91期(2022 / 03 / 01)


85 - 130






Over the past couple of years, the issues of work performance and resignation (transfer) among civil servants have been addressed in the organizational management research on attracting and retaining talent. However, there are few studies discussing work cognition, attitudes and observations of the newcomers employed through the senior civil service examination. Hence, this research aims to analyze the impact that work responsibilities and work-life balance have on interpersonal relationships, and their correlations, based on the data collected from the Taiwanese Government Bureaucrat Survey VII (2019-2022). The differences of this study compared to past research include: (1) we conducted the first survey given to beginning civil servants; (2) we employed satisfaction of interpersonal relationships as the dependent variable instead of work satisfaction; (3) we combined elements of work responsibility and work-life balance for the independent and mediating variables. The major findings show that: (1) conditions of overworking and decreased physical health have a negative effect on the satisfaction of interpersonal relationships, and the responsibility of child care has shown a negative effect on work-life balance; (2) a higher cognition of work-life imbalance has a negative effect on the satisfaction of interpersonal relationships; (3) the work responsibilities of internal organizational norms and autonomy have partial negative effects on satisfaction of interpersonal relationships with supervisors and colleagues, and the mediating effect of work-life balance shows a non-significant influence.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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