


Comparative Study of Across-boundary Governance: Seoul Electric Railway System and Taipei MRT System




翟子睿(Tzu-Jui Chai);周延(Yen Chou)


跨域治理 ; 首爾電鐵系統 ; 台北捷運系統 ; Across-boundary governance ; the Seoul Electric Railway System ; the Taipei Metropolitan Rapid Transit System ; trust




26卷4期(2020 / 12 / 01)


68 - 109






On the issue of across-boundary cooperation, the percentage of transportation projects is very high. This study selects the rail system in Seoul and Taipei as the research theme. In the face of the same phenomenon across administrative jurisdictions, the evaluations of the two countries are very different. Although both of them have across-boundary phenomena, their respective performances are very different and have a considerable degree of comparative value. This study compares the formation factors, operation process and output benefits of across-boundary governance, makes a comprehensive analysis from the perspective of across-boundary integration strategy and finally finds that trust is key point in across-boundary governance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 管理學
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