


The Citation of Zhu Xi "Consciousness of Mind" to Clarify His "moral agency" of "Mind" Theory




黃瑩暖(Ying-Nuan Huang)


朱子 ; 知覺 ; 智德 ; 道德動能 ; 牟宗三 ; Zhu Xi ; Mind ; Consciousness ; moral agency ; Mou ; Zong-san




57期(2015 / 06 / 01)


57 - 86






Regarding the interpretation of Li-Qì theory, Xin-Xing theory, Gong-Fu theory of Master Zhu (Zhu Xi, 1130-1200), it is still an argument in academic circles, ever since Mou, Zong-san has classified the thinking of Master Zhu as "Bei-Zi-Wei-Zong", "Ta-Lu-Dao-De". This is mainly due to Master Zhu uses Li-Qì theory to explain moral mind, so that Mou, Zong-san thinks that the mind that Master Zhu said is a (Metaphysical) mind of Chi and can't be the morality subject itself. These years, within the circles of university no one but professor Zhu, Han-yang ever cited Master Zhu's "Li-Yu-Chi-He" to question Mou, Zong-san explanation. In this article, the author digs further into the related original literary documents and finds out that Master Zhu ever criticized the remarks of "Yi-Jiao-Yan-Ren" of Shang, Cai -Hsieh and he also ever explained his "Ren-Xin, Dao-Hsin" and "Xi-Nu-Ai-Le" (the four types of human emotions state) before they are expressed explicitly to demonstrate that Master Chu did think "Ethereal Consciousness" has its moral agency, this is utterly different from Mou, Zong-san "Dao-De-Yi-Jian-Sha" (reducing the morality meaning), viewpoint. In a word, the author aims at clarifying and restoring what Master Chu has conveyed in his original literary documents and hopes it is not misinterpreted.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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