


Distinction and Judgment between "Word-making Interpretation" and "Special Interpretation of the Article" in Duan Yutsai's Theory of Exegesis-Also on the Relevant Sources of Huang Kan's Exegesis






訓詁體式 ; 隨文釋義 ; 通釋語義 ; 段玉裁 ; 黃侃 ; Ancient Notes Annotation ; Interpretation of the Article ; General Interpretation of Semantics ; Duan Yutsai ; Huang Kan




70期(2021 / 12 / 01)


107 - 143






In the general works of modern exegesis, the contents of the "Ancient Notes Annotation" refer to the two categories of "interpretation of the article" and "general interpretation of semantics", which are the most important connotations of traditional exegesis materials. The two types of Ancient Notes Annotation are closely related, but the main meanings are different. The difference between the two was first revealed by Duan Yutsai. This study intends to take this as the core and discuss Duan Yutsai's views and practices on "special interpretation of the article" and "word-making interpretation". Based on this, from the standpoint of academic history, this study explores the significance of Duan Yutsai's discussion in the development of modern exegesis. Therefore, the following three topics are proposed to be systematically discussed in depth: 1. Duan Yutsai on the meaning of "special interpretation of the article" and "word-making interpretation". 2. Duan Yutsai on "word-making interpretation", "special interpretation of the article" and original meaning, extension meaning. 3. Discussion of the origin of Huang Kan's academic arguments by the difference between "word-making interpretation" and "special interpretation of the article". Through discussion, this study considers that "word-making interpretation" and "special interpretation of the article" are divided into two categories: One category of "special interpretation of the article", which is related to the special understanding of the classical literature, should not be regarded as an objective interpretation of words. This is the part that "word-making interpretation" cannot achieve. The second category should be discussed depends on Duan Yutsai's lexical meaning, which involves the original meaning, extension and sham phrase. There are different degrees of adoption of the "word explanation" and "scriptures explanation" for the second category. Finally, this study takes the perspective of academic history and the case of Huang Kan, the founder of modern exegesis, as an example to examine the inheritance of Duan Yutsai's doctrine in the connotation of his exegesis.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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