


TV Consumption and Filial Piety in Family Viewing




陳婷玉(Ting-Yu Chen)


戰略 ; 孝道實踐 ; 陪伴父母 ; 閱聽人研究 ; 家庭電視消費 ; audience study ; everyday life ; family television ; filial piety




34期(2012 / 06 / 01)


25 - 53






Recently, audience study has made a sharp turn toward ethnographical approach. It is emphasized that individual can actively construct meanings of media texts and also how their personal interpretations interact with everyday life.The study explores how young adults accompany their parents watching television. Research regarding family television has been abundant, however, little is attended to the way television mediates the relationship between young adults and their parents.It was found that young adults who do not live with their parents choose to watch television with them with a purpose of keeping them company, rather than simply ”watching television”. Young audience's co-viewing with their parents is incorporated into their practice of filial piety.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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