This is a study of McClintock's science and feminist interpretations of it, viewed through the lens of Keller's famous biographical study, A Feeling for the Organism. In addition to presenting a historically situated understanding of McClintock's 〞non-masculine〞 science, as interpreted by Keller and questioned by Harding, I offer a detailed discursive analysis of Keller's biography itself. What I found can be summerized into four different models of McClintock's relations with nature (or with her research subjects), a picture more complicated than Keller's own 〞eros〞 model. Moreover, my analysis reveals a special dimension of power relationship in the Foucauldian sense, between McClintock's research team as a dominant institutional power, and her research subjects. I argue that McClintock's science is, perhaps, a non-masculine science only in a partial sense. Further, this analysis also concurs with Harding's reservations about the value of McClintock's science as a paradigmatic feminist science.
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